One of my regrets in my relationship with J was that we didn't spend enough time playing with rope. After taking a class by Max in Seattle we discovered it's something that we both really enjoyed. While we were together I had a bit of a complex about playing with rope because I wasn't as confident in it as Z was, which made it hard for J to get into the correct headspace needed to really enjoy it with me. Of course, confidence is bred by practice and as we didn't practice much, my confidence didn't grow. Being in a poly relationship I hoped that I would have been able to find a secondary partner that would allow me to develop my skills that I could bring back to my primary partner. The problem with that is it takes a while to develop the comfort and trust with someone to let them tie you up and I unfortunately wasn't able to find that while J and I were together.
I still enjoy rope but have not moved on enough to find someone that I can practice with, I'm sure it'll come someday but in the meantime I've been trying to figure out how I can continue to grow this part of my life. Enter Max again. When we went to his class last October I was put on his email list, so the other day I received an email about a 2-Day Bondage Intensive class at the Center for Sex Positive Culture (CSPC) in Seattle. My first concern was my lack of a practice partner to attend with, I considered asking J but know that we're not at that point as friends/partners or whatever we'll end up as for it to be comfortable, so I emailed Max. In his reply he said that 1/3 to 1/2 arrive without a practice partner and small groups are formed for people to practice together so coming without a practice partner is not a problem at all. Hearing this I signed up. [When J and I were together we had discussed going to this class back in November, but due to the suspension aspect of it we were hesitant; but I figure that if I'm going to improve on my skills in this field of BDSM I may as well jump in head first.] I'd previously considered (and may still do so) getting private lessons with Max so a 2-Day class is a good start. I'm a little nervous about attending an event like this solo, luckily it's not for another month, so I have a while to turn my nervous excitement into excitement.
For the class I was required to buy another 275' of rope (thank-you Monk!), among other things....methinks a new rope drawer will be needed.
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