Friday, April 16, 2010

Random Musings

I did some reading, watched a movie and listened to some podcasts while on business in Mexico and came across words that struck me:

Brutal simplicity
Art serving capitalism
Do not feed the creatives
Fail Harder
When was the last time you felt this passionate about anything
The people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do
Chin dripping peaches
Fear is a powerful depressant
Creativity can solve anything
Why would you not want to love as many people as you can?

On the plane, I was reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged while listening to Ludovico Einaudi's Primavera, which gave me an incredible sense of beauty. Individually these two works can make you soar, together they're indescribable. They gave me a sense that I'm supposed to be doing something different with my life; that my life should be more meaningful than what it currently is. Almost like some part of me is missing and is waiting to be discovered. Engrossed in these works I was overcome with emotion, feeling like my heart was going to burst. Occasionally when something beautiful strikes me I'll get this feeling knowing that I can't control or contain it. I don't know if others feel this way, but it's what makes me feel that I want to give this feeling to others; I know I have the potential to do so, I just know not the means. I equate it to how Ayn Rand describes love, also making me crave it all the more, she says that love has to be earned and that you have to be worthy of someone's love and until you earn it you cannot achieve it; it will only be found once earned. Do I feel this way about love? Yes, but also about my unrestrained I have to earn the ability to give people this feeling that erupts within.

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