Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Normal Life...

How many times in your life can you look back and say that a moment changed course of your existence?

Off the top of your head, I'm sure you could say many, but if you really think about it it boils down to only a couple of events. One, two....maybe three in my 29 years. One of my these happened 5 months ago when my partner, J, and I opened up our relationship. The culmination of 5 years together and 18 months of discussion, negotiation, and research into polyamory.

She was 4 weeks into a 7 week design based Italy trip with 12 classmates and I was to meet her in Milan, her final destination, to travel for a couple more weeks. Prior to her leaving, we agreed that we remain monogamous (save for a potential escort rendezvous for me - and yes it is legal in Canada). Being the sexual being that she is, she was literally crawling out of her skin for some sort of sexual contact. It was thus decided that if the opportunity presented itself she could cease her crawling, officially making our relationship non-monogamous; 2 weeks later that opportunity occurred.

I must admit that even though we agreed to remove the shackles of our relationship, the event floored me. Our separation and thus inability to adequately discuss the issue made for a trying week leading up to our Milan meeting. But our pre-emptive and continued dialogue allowed us to realize that we are meant to be polyamorous.

In the weeks and months that have followed we have not only embraced our polyamory but also the kinky side of ourselves to the point where we no longer identify ourselves as normal or at least how others define the word....we consider ourselves quite 'normal', at least as normal as people can be. Is anyone really normal? I think the media has dictated what is and isn't...but that's a thought for another day.

Our past, present and future as well as general musings and anything else that comes to mind will be with it what you will. Join us on our journey.....we always enjoy company....especially if you're as 'normal' as we are.

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