Sunday, January 24, 2010

Robot Sex dolls...3D Porn...the future is here!!

I came across this article about high-tech sex that discusses what may be the beginning of full functioning robot sex dolls a la Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner. Of all the technology that you see in futuristic movies...flying cars, ray guns, teleportation.....was there ever any question that the sex industry would be one of the first to develop the technology envisioned? Sex helped drive the popularity of VHS, DVDs, and the internet; could fully functioning humanoid robots be next? Now I'm pretty sure that it won't happen anytime soon but given the history of the industry's impact on technology I wouldn't be surprised if it happened sooner rather than later; and I don't think anyone could question whether or not there's a market for it. And once these begin to be mass produced isn't it only a matter of time before fully functioning robots are living amongst us? Now I'm all about new tech, but after seeing the movie Surrogates the idea kind of freaks me out.

The idea of a robot specifically designed for sex could lead to all sorts of speculation; from regulation to ethics to its impact on today's sex worker. I feel like this topic could be discussed ad nauseam, so for now I'll leave it there. If you have any theories or questions I'd love to further this discussion it in a future post so leave a comment if you're interested.

The article also touches on 3D porn; which given the recent success of Avatar could work. [Funnily enough J and I saw Avatar before I read this article last night and briefly discussed the impact that this could have in porn.] The 3D TV that the article mentions seems pretty pricey at $4,000 but couldn't you imagine people flocking to this tech, especially if the TVs could be used for other 3D programs? It would also change the way porn was shot to ensure certain body parts didn't pop out at the viewer.....imagine the reaction when a cock jumps off the screen at someone expecting their favourite female part of the anatomy. Now this hopefully wouldn't bother most men but I know a couple who would cringe at the thought. For example, a friend of mind only watches lesbian porn because he can't stand the sight of cock; I've always wondered what happens when we goes to the bathroom? I also imagine clean-up would be a bitch; what with people trying to cum on the breasts of their favourite adult film star.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Salon Confessions

I find it amazing how much stylists gossip and even more amazing the information they get from clients to gossip about. Makes me very wary of what I say to yesterday I'm waiting to get my hair cut and a stylist and her client are talking about hair colours, styles...the usual. This segways into the hair colour of another client who regularly gets propositioned on the street by men thinking she's a prostitute. Now from what I overheard of their conversation this woman is not an escort but dresses provocatively enough to be construed as one. The stylist continues with,

"Well I'm not so sure of her moral balance, so she may be the type of person who would actually accept an offer."

This of course followed by the obligatory, "Oh my!!" from the client and they proceed to show how appalled, shocked, disgusted, and embarrassed they'd be if they got propositioned. Honestly, I'm sure if they got propositioned they'd be flattered. If I were ever propositioned for sex in such a way, I'd take it as a compliment and be on my way; granted I'm a guy but unless you're embarrassed about how you dress why would being propositioned disgust or embarrass you? Somebody wants to have sex with you so much that they are willing to pay you for it, what's so bad about that?

The thing that really got to me was the question of the client's morale balance. If I had known who this other client was I would've said something as someone's moral balance has nothing to do with whether they would accept an offer of sex for money. Any escort that I've met does sex work for a reason; typically it's a means to an end; but even if it weren't they've made a conscious decision to engage in that business. If they have a pimp and can't get out of the situation they're in then that's a different story, but the ones that I've met have a better morale balance than most women. They know what they want and aren't afraid of what it takes to get it.

Most people only ever see the surface of things, not willing to see what's inside and question "why?" This leads to questions of moral balance for no other reason that men find a woman attractive. If you question why, there are so many more possibilities for growth, people to meet, experiences to have and understand. Next time I only touch the surface I'll be questioning why because I know I'll be better for it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Travel frustration

A week in Jamaica was just what everyone needs. 30 degrees and sunny....sitting on the beach....reading.....relaxing.....playing with J; really makes me want to get myself a 4-poster bed. All of which was much needed after a 12 hour travel day.

We were lucky enough to leave on the day that the TSA implemented the new travel restrictions. For those of you that haven't had to deal with them yet, take note. You are no longer allowed to take carry-on baggage when flying from Canada to the US, unless you're female in which case you can take your purse. And when I mean no carry-on I mean nothing, you can take a camera but no camera bag; you can take your laptop but no laptop bag. This is from Canada to the US!! I can see it now, a man is going to sue the government for reverse sexism because a woman can take her purse but her can't take his man purse; very interested to see how that'll turn out. I'm not sure how this going to prevent another underpants bomb; personally I don't think it'll prevent anything as its reactive and not preventative. I'm by no means an expert on security nor do I have any brilliant ideas; but I can see when something is just for show and as corny as this may sound the human spirit is what will prevent another incident; just as it did on the Christmas day flight.....I guess what I'm saying is beware when you travel and if you see something that you're unsure about take action. And pack accordingly unless you're going into the US from somewhere else...for instance going from Jamaica to the US you can take as much carry-on as you want. Not that I don't think Jamaica is a safe place but you'd think compared to Canada there would be more travel restrictions from Jamaica to the US than from Canada....but maybe that's just me.

I'm off to San Diego for a day on Sunday to go to a football game, typically I would be taking only carry-on but not this time....keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't make me miss kick-off.

And in my world of poly I have a date tomorrow with an Australian girl. Met at a bar on the weekend while she was participating in a Bachelorette party (no she's not the bride) and quite drunk; so it should be interesting to see how she is sober. I'll let you know how it goes.

Before I go I have to say that I have the best partner in the world. She has been incredibly happy for me and supportive as I date other women. I just hope that I can be as supportive of her with Z and her other partners. Thank-you J, I love you.