Friday, January 15, 2010

Salon Confessions

I find it amazing how much stylists gossip and even more amazing the information they get from clients to gossip about. Makes me very wary of what I say to yesterday I'm waiting to get my hair cut and a stylist and her client are talking about hair colours, styles...the usual. This segways into the hair colour of another client who regularly gets propositioned on the street by men thinking she's a prostitute. Now from what I overheard of their conversation this woman is not an escort but dresses provocatively enough to be construed as one. The stylist continues with,

"Well I'm not so sure of her moral balance, so she may be the type of person who would actually accept an offer."

This of course followed by the obligatory, "Oh my!!" from the client and they proceed to show how appalled, shocked, disgusted, and embarrassed they'd be if they got propositioned. Honestly, I'm sure if they got propositioned they'd be flattered. If I were ever propositioned for sex in such a way, I'd take it as a compliment and be on my way; granted I'm a guy but unless you're embarrassed about how you dress why would being propositioned disgust or embarrass you? Somebody wants to have sex with you so much that they are willing to pay you for it, what's so bad about that?

The thing that really got to me was the question of the client's morale balance. If I had known who this other client was I would've said something as someone's moral balance has nothing to do with whether they would accept an offer of sex for money. Any escort that I've met does sex work for a reason; typically it's a means to an end; but even if it weren't they've made a conscious decision to engage in that business. If they have a pimp and can't get out of the situation they're in then that's a different story, but the ones that I've met have a better morale balance than most women. They know what they want and aren't afraid of what it takes to get it.

Most people only ever see the surface of things, not willing to see what's inside and question "why?" This leads to questions of moral balance for no other reason that men find a woman attractive. If you question why, there are so many more possibilities for growth, people to meet, experiences to have and understand. Next time I only touch the surface I'll be questioning why because I know I'll be better for it.

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