Friday, April 2, 2010

Franti v Mayer

Last night I was at a concert headlined by John Mayer, who funnily enough doesn't have one song that I could name, so why did I go to? I went because of the special guest, Michael Franti and his band Spearhead, a group that J introduced me to during the first month of our relationship. If you haven't heard anything of their's before, check this out, Say Hey (I Love you) - not my favourite song of theirs, but right now it's their most well known:

I'd seen Spearhead twice before, both at intimate venues, which made me wary of going to see him at an 18,000 seat hockey arena. And both times I had seen him had also been with J and I had bought these tickets for her to go with me, but given our situation I figured that we probably weren't ready to get together for an event like that yet. I prefer smaller venues for live music as the atmosphere is always much better; however Franti's a different type of performer. I've never seen anyone in a venue that big get so involved with the crowd. Spearhead played for an hour and Franti spent maybe 20 minutes of that time on stage. The rest of the time he was running through the crowd giving high fives....skipping down the aisles....playing his guitar in the crowd....and for his last song he brought 40 people up on stage to sing and dance with him. If it were played in a smaller venue the energy he created would've blown the roof off the place. All I can say about his performance is unbelievable!!! I really felt bad for John Mayer, because I didn't think there was any way that he was going to be able to compete with Franti's performance....and of course he didn't. If you ever get the chance to see Spearhead in concert, whatever the venue, run don't walk....he's always fantastic!!

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